During last couple of weeks at HSS, I have learned a lot of eye opening experiences. First of all, as a graduate student in BME, chances to look at up-to-date biomedical device gave me some ideas about how to approach to improve existing device. Those are hard to come by without observing clinic fields in the first place. Also, developing new surgical procedures requires basic scientific knowledge. For example, quite recently, HSS introduced Lipogems' product for adipose tissue derived messnchymal strm cells treatment. Firstly, the therapeutic effect of adipose drived-MSC was demonstrated. However. Due to the difficulty in purifying MSCs and several biomolecules, the application of them in short time was delayed, which was resolved by the effort of researchers in BME. These sorts of experience made me clear about how to utilize what I will have learned through my PhD program.
with Dr. John G. Kennedy and Dr. Yoshiharu Shimozono. |
Second, personally I did not realize how hard clinicians work until the summer immersion program. They try to communicate with patiens and do their best to get them back to where they were. Now I have such a respect for them.
A demo model of the 3D printed scaffold.
Lastly, since I did not have any background about the 3D printer, I had to start the project from the bottom. With a lot of help from Dr. Robert J. Min, Dr. George Shih, and Dr. James Shin, I was able to print the demonstration model (above). There are still many things to figure out, but I have enjoyed and I believe that I can finish thos project with great achievement in the futre.
Overall, I am so satisfied with this summer immersion program. These valuable experiences will definitely help me throughout my carrer.
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