Week 7: Alex

As I am ending my internship in NYC, all I can say is that I will never forget the past 7 weeks here. I've learned a tremendous deal regarding what goes on in a hospital environment, which will be invaluable to my work in Ithaca.

I spent the first half of my week with the Clinical Microbiology laboratory team, participating in rounds with the residents & fellows. Also, I was able to have a great discussion with Dr. Westblade, PhD and Associate Director of the Clinical Microbiology lab. Speaking with physicians has been essential to my experience here, but speaking with a PhD gave me additional insight to the opportunities available to me should I pursue clinical work. The training for an MD is entirely different than one for a PhD and both require different skill sets. I've been told time and time again here that medicine is more of an art and diagnosis for certain diseases can be subjective. The PhD, on the other hand, will perhaps be more analytical. Both are essential to the hospital environment and should work together to ensure the most positive patient outcome.

The second half of my week I spent preparing some deliverables, such as my essay and poster. However, I also took the time to enjoy myself. I walked around the city and soaked up all of NYC as I could. Additionally, I finally went to Shake Shack, and although I don't have a picture to prove it, it was an absolutely amazing looking burger that tasted equally as good. How this chain isn't in every single city in America is a mystery to me.

Anyways, it's been grand NYC. Until next time.


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