Week 7 (Moni)

I spent my week analyzing my flow cytometry data and preparing a presentation for HSS's weekly Orthopedic Soft Tissue Research group meetings. This gave me the chance to learn how to use the analysis software, FlowJo, which will be instrumental for my work back at Cornell. I hope to keep this project going as a collaboration by having surgical discards shipped from HSS to Cornell, where I can expand cells and do analysis there.

I also finished building the new multiphoton stage, which allows for live imaging of a mouse patellar tendon with enough room between the objective lens and the animal. Although my stage works great, unfortunately the settings on the microscope were wrong and none of the students knew how to change it, so we could not actually image the tendon that day. However, with the redesigned stage, new students who will join the lab can take over the project. I taught the other summer students in the lab how to use some power tools and design and adjust the stage parameters, and they will let me know how the project progresses.

Outside of lab work, I revisited some of my favorite places in the city and kept eating some NYC pizza. I also took the Roosevelt Island tram to go visit the Smallpox Museum and parks on the Island, which was a refreshing break from the fast pace of Manhattan.

As Immersion draws to a close, I am so grateful for the opportunities I have had to gain more insight into clinical problems and have the chance to do research in the medical field. Aside from working in an orthopedic setting, I also refined skills in radiology by interpreting patient MRI data for my surgical discard study. Through patient interactions, I've also seen first hand how low patient compliance is, and realized how despite our best research efforts, the final effort comes down to the patient. Living in New York City with my friends was also a great experience, from the sight-seeing, to the food, to the art and culture. I've had a wonderful experience and I hope other graduate students in the future get this opportunity as well.


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