Week 2: Cut short by illness :(

My second week in New York began with observing a lot of interesting work, and took an unfortunate turn as I came down with a bit of illness around Wednesday afternoon.

On Monday, I had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Vivek Mittal’s group and discuss how they were working in parallel with Dr. Vahdat’s clinical trials to study the effects of copper depletion on the pre-metastatic niche in breast cancer.  This was complemented by my shadowing of Dr. Vahdat on Wednesday where we met with a number of patients who were still in progress as part of this trial.  Alongside Dr Vahdat, I have found it very interesting how decisions are made regarding the selection of treatment options over the course of cancer therapy.  Similar to my experiences last week, I was consistently impressed by how well the patients had researched their treatment options and were able to discuss the crucial factors of treatments, such as side effects and duration of treatment, that I was not keenly familiar with.

 On Tuesday, I observed a surgery performed by Dr Kutler and Dr Spector on a 90 year old patient with a large tumor underneath his ear.  While I was at once surprised by how extensive this surgery was on a 90 year old patient, it was also incredible to see how much reconstruction could be successfully performed on a patient to return the tissue exterior to a “healthy” looking state.

Unfortunately, to limit my further learning in the clinic and exploration of NYC outside of working hours, I came down with some kind of flu-like illness on Wednesday afternoon that left me bedridden until I got up to write this blog post a couple of hours ago.  Hopefully I will be fully recovered by Monday so I can continue to see more of all of this exciting work in the clinic.


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