Week 5 (Moni)

This was a productive week for me, in that I finally had enough cells from my biceps tendon surgical discards to collect some flow cytometry data! The majority of the week leading up to the experiment, I spent a lot of time optimizing antibody concentrations, planning, and reading experimental protocols. The technicians at WCMC's core ran my samples for me, but I need to get trained on the analysis software to look at trends in my data. I'm hoping that next week I can analyze this round of data, and also run some more of my samples. I've also spent the week helping with some histology analysis of tendinopathy, and practicing surgical procedures on mouse cadavers.

I spent the past weekend exploring much of the city, and went to the Met, Little Italy, China Town, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Village. I also went to the American Museum of Natural History, where they have a special Mummy exhibit right now. This was really cool, because they took CT images of the tombs and made 3D reconstructions of what they think the humans looked like! My inner Engineer was really interested. On Monday I met up with some of my college roommates, and we got the best pizza I've had so far, at John's in Times Square. On Tuesday a group of us got Southern BBQ, and then got FDA approved cookie dough. We walked around Washington Square Park too (thanks for smiling, Alex).

On Wednesday, a couple of us went to a Seth Meyers taping. As a huge fan of SNL (I've religiously watched every episode since 9th grade, usually on Saturday night), this was the most incredible experience in NYC by far. On Friday night, I explored the Upper West Side a bit, and found my favorite place in the city - Lincoln Center at night is lit up with an incredible fountain and chandelier. Can't believe I only have 2 more weeks left!


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