Week 5: 3D bioprinter

Except for shadowing Dr. John Kennedy, I have been working on the project which is to create a replacement for ankle injuries. Since nothing was set up, I had to figure it out from bottom, such as what kind of bioprinter, biomaterials, and the structure of the scaffold. We have come to a conclusion to buy a bioprinter from CELLINK, and I pushed myself to learn several programs required for designing 3D models.

There are a lot of programs used for the 3D modeling; however, considering cost and UI, I have decided to use Autodesk Fusion 360. This program is super straightforward that I was able to design a simple thing after watching several tutorials. Briefly, the aim of the project is to develop the scaffold containing three layers, which are corresponding to trabecular bone, subchondral bone, and articular cartilage. The primary design of the scaffold below does not look good, but I am pretty happy with that I have reached to a level to design something. I know that there are still a lot of things to learn, but I have enjoyed and will enjoy it as well. Next week, I am going to print the model with the help from Dr. James Shin. I am kind of excited to see my first scaffold uisng 3D printer.



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